TxATE - Texas Association of Teacher Educators
The purpose of TxATE shall be to actively promote high standards for the professional preparation of teachers and inservice development. TxATE assumes that teacher education programs should be undergirded by strong academic foundations and be characterized by adequate specialization. TxATE also requires professional education preparation of such scope and sequence that the result will be teachers with high personal and professional qualities that characterize members of any profession.
2024-2025 Officers

Abbie Strunc
Sam Houston State University
First Vice-President:
Jannah Nerren
Stephen F. Austin State University
Second Vice-President:
​Carlos Flores
San Angelo State University
Elizabeth Ward
Texas Wesleyan University
Member At-Large:
Danelle Wolf
Helen Berg
Sam Houston State University
Executive Director:
Becky Fredrickson
Texas Women's University
Past President:
Tia Agan
San Angelo State University