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TDFE - Texas Directors of Field Experiences

The purpose of the TDFE is to provide

* a forum for sharing ideas and common concerns among the directors of educational field experiences in the colleges and universities of the State of Texas,

* an organizational framework for cooperative action toward improving the quality of educational field experiences by interacting with various organizations, institutions, and agencies, and

* a communication network through which members may act quickly and in concert on issues relating to educational field experiences.


2024-2025 Officers


Sarah McMahan

Texas Woman's University

President Elect:

Elizabeth Ward

Texas Wesleyan University


Michelle Miller

Stephen F. Austin State University


Carrie Baker

Stephen F. Austin State University

Past President:

Karrabi Malin

240 Tutoring

2023-2024 Clinical Teacher of the Year Committee


Sarah McMahan

Texas Woman's University


Cheryl The

Southwestern Adventist University

Liz Ward

Texas Wesleyan University

Conferences and Meetings


TDFE membership is composed of those individuals in public and private educational institutions in the State of Texas who are responsible for the administration and coordination of the program of educational field experiences in their respective institutions and who pay the annual dues assessed by the organization.

Dues from qualifying individuals of $30.00 may be submitted to the Treasurer at any time.  Our membership year runs from one CSOTTE Conference to the next year's conference.  For membership information, email Beth Nelms, treasurer,

T.D.F.E Membership Form 2024-2025 (PDF)

Resources and Downloads

Constitution and ByLaws (PDF)

Past Presidents

Texas Clinical Teacher of the Year Award Application (PDF)

Submit 2023-2024 Texas Clinical Teacher Award application materials no later than June 15, 2024, to:

Sarah McMahan

PO Box 2842

Frisco, TX 75034

Clinical Teachers of the Year Recipients and their Committees (PDF)


National Field Directors Forum

The National Field Directors Forum is an Affiliated Unit of the Association of Teacher Educators.  It is dedicated to developing quality field experiences, student teaching, and internships assignments.  Membership is complised of educators who have administrative responsibilities in this area without regard to title, rank, or size of program.  The Forum provides leadership in the area of professional field experiences.

Click here to visit the National Field Directors Forum website.

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