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ADoT - Associate and Assistant Deans and Directors of Texas 

The Associate and Assistant Deans and Directors of Texas (ADoT) is a professional organizations that provides support and development for new and continuing leaders in colleges of education and advocates for quality educator preparation in the state of Texas.

The purposes of ADoT are the following:

* Provide a forum for sharing ideas, expertise, and common concerns;

* Engage in advocacy and action for the improvement of quality of teacher educator preparation in Texas;

* Maintain a communication network for member support.

ADoT Diversity Statement (ADOPTED 10/18/2020):


The Associate and Assistant Deans and Directors of Texas (ADoT) stands for leadership in educator preparation that is inclusive of human diversity.  As a collective group of leaders in educator preparation programs across Texas, we recognize, respect and celebrate diversity and unique perspectives inclusive of learning and physical abilities, age, gender identities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language, culture, race, ethnicity, faith-based religion, spirituality, and other groups historically marginalized and oppressed.  We will exemplify and amplify culturally affirming, sustaining, and anti-racist tenets.  We believe these principles are imperative for leaders and teacher educators across the state and the nation to guide and develop educators and leaders for future generations of global citizens. 

2023-2024 Officers


Suzanne Nesmith, Ph.D.

Baylor University

President Elect:

Helen Berg Ph. D.

Sam Houston State University


Gina Anderson, Ed.D.

Texas Woman's University


Liz Ward, Ph.D.

Texas Wesleyan University

Communications and Membership Officer:

Dustin Hebert, Ph. D.

Sam Houston State University

Technology Officer:

Elda Martinez, Ed.D.

University of the Incarnate Word

Members at Large:

Patricia Rocha, Ph. D

Texas State University

One open position

Past President:

Christina Sinclair, Ph.D.

Stephen F. Austin State University

Individual Membership & Dues

Annual Membership: June 1-May 31

Annual Dues:  $35

Resources and Downloads

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