2019 CSOTTE Conference e-Program October 27-29, 2019
General Session II: Monday, 8am - 10am
Frisco 6
Dr. Rebecca Burns,
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Summary:
In her keynote address, Dr. Rebecca West Burns will recognize and address some of the challenges of preparing teachers in today’s high-stakes accountability climate. She will share examples from her own research and experiences of ways she has collaboratively worked with schools to address teacher retention, high quality teacher preparation, teacher leader development, differentiated teacher professional learning, and student achievement in a turnaround urban elementary school. Finally, she will conclude with recommendations for teacher educators and policy makers to tackle such challenges to actualize clinically based teacher education.
Dr. Rebecca West Burns is an Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of South Florida. Her research and scholarship lie at the intersection of supervision, clinically rich teacher education, and school-university partnerships. In particular, her research examines the clinical pedagogy used in clinical experiences, the hybrid roles needed to enact clinically based teacher education in school-university partnerships, and how supervision in school-university partnerships can develop teacher leadership capacity to renew schools and colleges of education